Timothy Parrant


Name: Timothy Parrant


Languages:  English

Hometown:  Australia

Current City:  Empuriabrava, Spain

Training Location:  Skydive Empuriabrava, Spain

Canopies:  Icarus Leia 84 Petra 79 (Skydiving)

Years in the Sport:  13

Date of First Skydive:  January 8th 2007

Total Jumps:  6,500+

Base Jumps:  10 years BASE jumping experience

Hobbies:  Surfing, Paragliding, Travel, Photography

Occupation:  Canopy Coach, Tandem Instructor, AFF Instructor, Freefall Coach,

Future Goals:  Keep spreading knowledge in skydiving through multiple disciplines in canopy piloting and the magic of body flight.

Tim’s Accomplishments:

Creator of the Camera Flying Manual

Creator of Flock Yeah!

2020 Historic Photographer of the Year