Ana Aponte

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BioAna Headshot Full

Name:  Ana Aponte

Age/Birthday:  25, November 24th 1989

Languages:  English, Spanish

Hometown:  Bogota, Colombia

Current City:  Bogota, Colombia

Training Location:  Xielo Skydive, Colombia

Canopies:  Performance Designs Valkyrie 71 Comp Velocity 79 (Skydiving)

Years in the Sport:  9Date of First Skydive:  January 8th 2007

Total Jumps:  5,300+

Base Jumps:  0

Hobbies:  Wake Boarding,

Occupation:  Canopy Coach, Tandem Instructor, AFF Instructor, Freefall Coach, Drop Zone Owner

Future Goals:  Keep spreading knowledge in skydiving through multiple disciplines in canopy piloting and the magic of body flight.  To compete more heavily in freeflying and canopy piloting, and also continue to be involved in freefly big way World Records.  To help grow Xielo Skydive into a bigger and better dropzone.

Ana’s Accomplishments: